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Here's What's Happening With the Conovers!

Christopher Wins State Champion!!!

Chris competed in the AZMARRS State Championship Karate Tournament in January and won for his nunchucks form.  He was so excited and we are very proud of his awesome accomplishment!

Kirsten Heads to California 

Kirsten, who just tested for red belt, will head to CA to compete in a national karate tournament.  She took it easy locally this season and when she heard of this opportunity, she got all fired up to give it a try.  She has been practicing hard and we can't wait for February 28th Compete Nationals!



Calyssa Rides Again!

   Calyssa has been riding her whole life and has started up again learning Western reining.  She used to do English, so this is a challenge but one that she loves -- almost as much as her cool new cell phone.

   Karen & Chuck
   Mom and Dad are great, still working toward their next black belts -- Karen for 3rd Degree and Chuck for 2nd Degree.  We are excited that our latest project is having a wood stove installed, something we've wanted to do for years.  Slowly, we try to make our house greener and self reliant.  With solar panels and next up, solar hot water.  But mostly, we are trying to keep up with the kids and spend as much time nurturing them as we can!